About The Creator

Allyson Westervelt, CNC, CPT

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Hey there! I’m Allyson, creator of The Ritual Body. Thanks for stopping by my site and taking the time out of your day to explore the offerings of rituals on a deeper level.

As a Certified Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, I’m deeply invested in sharing the breadth of knowledge I’ve obtained to support the wellbeing of others.

My commitment to health stems from years of sickness during adolescence and the reverberations that I’ve faced in adulthood. From life-threatening asthma attacks, to unexpected anaphylactic shock, to anxiety induced vertigo, these real-life experiences taught me a lot about self-care, intuition, intention, purpose, resilience, habit change, and self-awareness. It was in my best interest to learn how to take control of my health and start living a lifestyle that maximized my wellness and physical performance.

My purpose is to guide you on how to use rituals to improve your health, understand and improve your relationship with food, deepen your connection to body movement, and become a champion sleeper. I offer customized programs, curated ebooks and guides that help you explore and master becoming more in tune and aware of the moments in your day, transforming them into sacred rituals and helping you live better. 

If you’re looking to change up your lifestyle in a way that feels doable without the intimidation, sustainable throughout life’s every turn, and truly makes you feel amazing, then I’m happy you’re here. You’ve taken the first step by showing up in this moment. 

 Why I Created The Ritual Body

I started The Ritual Body to directly help people. I spent close to a decade working for companies where I was often twice removed from the product user. I never felt like I was actually helping people, because I wasn’t. I was working for companies that were helping people and it just wasn’t personal enough for me. 

The Ritual Body is a way for me to turn my passion for and knowledge of health and fitness into a truly helpful platform reaching as many people as possible. Using a science-based approach to habit change and forming, I help you turn everyday tasks into intentional rituals, and help you find meaning along the way.

 From a young age, I’ve demonstrated a keen ability to perceive the emotional state of others. I’m able to quickly and easily tune into your struggles and absorb them as my own. We’ll walk your health journey and navigate challenges together. And while I might lift you up at every achievement, your successes are your own. You make the commitment to put yourself first, and as you do, you’ll be surprised how quickly the wins roll in. 

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The Ritual Body Approach

Nutrition is a jumping off point. I spend time exploring the major pillars of your health - nutrition, movement, and rest. I dive deeper by looking at how you rise in the morning and every micro moment that comprises your day from that point on. We then transform those moments into meaningful rituals, rooted deep in intention and awareness.

Throughout the process, my commitment to you is that you won’t have to make a lifestyle change alone. Together, we’ll custom design goals and plans that make sense for you. I act as your coach, cheerleader, mentor, and friend.  

We can hyperfocus on one area of your life you’re committed to improving, or we can take a more agnostic approach, bettering your overall health. The Ritual Body programs are customized to you and your unique goals, so have the control to decide what is going to work best for you.

One note about diet: I’m diet-agnostic, meaning I don’t prescribe to a particular diet or label. My focus is on helping you understand your body and optimize its function. If you’re interested in exploring a particular type of diet or way of living (Intuitive, Keto, Paleo, Vegan, Macro Counting, etc.), I’m open to discussing and exploring it as a match for your goals. What’s most important to me is that you feel supported, satisfied, and satiated.