

There are countless books out there that focus on how to start your day and they all pretty much follow the same formula - wake up with the sun, move your body, and stay off social media. 

That’s a lot of things to do when you’ve barely just opened your eyes. 

I’m a morning person. I love the stillness of my environment, the gentle way the light rises to brighten the earth, and the calm I feel before the rush of the day settles.

But the first thing I do in the morning is simply open my eyes. Some mornings I’m woken by an alarm and other days not, but without fail the first thing I do in the morning is just open my eyes and let my body adjust to this refreshed state of being. I then check in with myself - where are my aches, how rested do I feel, and how ready am I to take on my day. This quick check in takes no more than about three minutes and sets the tone of intention and awareness for my day. Knowing I set myself up the night before thanks to my rest ritual, my morning routine doesn’t have to be rushed. 

All the other things will come - using the restroom, making my cup of MudWtr, moving my body. It all happens. Those first moments after waking up though, those are my favorite part of every one of my days.

