

rit·u·al /ˈriCH(o͞o)əl/ noun

a religious or solemn ceremony consisting of a series of actions performed according to a prescribed order.

Rituals are a feature of all known human societies. In psychology, the term ritual is sometimes used in a technical sense for a repetitive behavior systematically used by a person to neutralize or prevent anxiety. Rituals are basically xanax.

Okay, rituals aren’t really xanax but I definitely believe in their ability to create order in my days and that, nine times out of ten, keeps any anxious feelings at bay.

We’re all pretty familiar with the classic morning ritual. You wake up, make your bed, use the restroom, brew and pour yourself a cup of coffee and prepare for your day. For most people though, the day’s rituals end there. Once we get started on our work day all too often “things” come up and we didn’t make it to the gym, or we worked through lunch, we picked up the drive thru for dinner, and fell asleep without brushing our teeth.

The thing that kills me about this is the only person who suffered was you. 

Most of us are pretty guilty of putting ourselves second, third, or fourth. The dogs need a walk, the boss has a deadline, the kids need to go to practice. But you need to take care of you first.

Habits are important to maintain, but rituals are vital if you want a shot at keeping the wheels from falling off. 

Through The Ritual Body, I teach habit-seekers how to transform habit into ritual, ritual into meaning, and meaning into a more fulfilling life. 

We break down your existing habits and routines (you have a couple, even if you don’t realize it) into four main pillars: rise, rest, nourish, and move. That means each program created at The Ritual Body is customized to you and your needs. I walk you through maintaining consistency and holding awareness and intention for your rituals. I also provide support and accountability to set you up for success. 

It’s so easy to fall into old patterns and routines, but I teach you how to break that cycle. Your rituals, oozing with meaning, become sacred moments in your life. The foster a deeper connection you have with yourself and allow you to grow as a person in ways you’ve never experienced. 

